Monday, September 17, 2007

Everything You Ought To Know About Me

I am the proud parent of the most beautiful, funny, sweet, and intelligent little girl in the world. I also have a wonderful, loving, brilliant, and from time to time obnoxious husband named Hyland. I am only three months shy of graduating with my degree in Nursing (woohoo!!). I have the best group of girlfriends a girl could have. They are the main reason and inspiration for this blog (since you girls just can't stay close to home anymore!). I am in the process of perfecting the ultimate chocolate chip cookies recipe. I try to be forgiving because that's what Gandhi would do. I love being around people, but crowds make me nervous. My fantasy football team is sucking it up this year which is really hard for me to stomach. I took this little test online that says I am a yellow crayon. I really hope people will like my blog (=


maaydaay said...

I just wanted to tell you, that you are wonderful! Luvs!

maaydaay said...

Look at you getting all cute! Now I want to be cute!

Mindy said...

love it!