Monday, December 3, 2007

Tree Farm

I am positive that my favorite Christmas tradition my little family has is to head out to Motley's Christmas Tree Farm and cut down our own live tree. It's so much fun to walk trough all those trees in search of the "perfect" one. Then when you find that tree you cut it down with a saw they provide, and walk back to catch the hay ride. The hay ride takes you all over the farm and you pick up your tree along the way. Then they shake out out the needles for you, wrap it up, and even tie it to the top of your car. Once all that is taken care of you can go partake of the complimentary hot chocolate and fresh roasted peanuts. It's so much fun and so much less expensive than those trees you get out of those lots off the side of the road. We always have a great time, and I can feel good about laying down some of those happy childhood memories for Liv.


Mindy said...

yes I completly agree! We are totally thinking of what our tradition should be as well and I think this is a must! SO happy Liv has such awesome parents who do cool things like let her cut down her tree! I totally never did that! We always had a fake one! haha!

maaydaay said...

Aww that is so sweet :) I love it!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.