Friday, January 16, 2009

Library Time!

Um, yeah, so I stink at this. It has been hard for me to stay motivated about blogging. It's not that I don't have things to's just that I get so busy, and once you let a few things slide without a blog it just begins an avalanche! Plus, my poor camera is MIA...I keep thinking it will just pop up, but to no avail. For some reason I have a hard time thinking people care about what I have to say so much as they just want to see the pictures! Anyway, not gonna pressure myself to catch everyone up on the last few months, and just focus on what's on my mind toady...which freaking awesome the library is!

Okay, seriously, much do you really take advantage of your local library. Okay, I get not everyone shares my complete and utter LOVE of reading, but surely there is something you like to read and the library is sure to have it (even if that something is just latest issue of your fav magazine)! I have found that the Central Arkansas Library System has an online members login where you can peruse the catalog and request your selections from home. Granted I have to do a little research before hand to figure out the specifics of what books I would like to request. I usually peruse sites like goodreads, amazon, and the New York Times book review section to find books that look interesting. Anyway, so you just find them in the catalog and no matter which branch they are at all you have to do is press request and your local library as your pick-up location and ta-da a couple days later they will have it waiting behind the counter for you to pick up! It's awesome!

As most everyone knows, Liv is a tiny little version of me, and the poor thing has inherited most all of my dorky qualities. She is definitely the only person I know who's enthusiasm for reading might be on par with my own (except for my mom...hmmm, interesting). I think she gets more hyped about a trip to the library than a trip to toys 'r us...and why wouldn't she. She gets to pick out like 4 new books and a couple of dvds everytime. When I first realized you could get kids dvds at the library I felt like I had hit the jackpot. Now most every Mom knows what it feels like to take your preschooler to the movie rental place and all they really want is the crappy dvd with three episodes of Dora the Explorer on it. I always just felt so irritated to pay at least $3 a pop for dvds of something I don't even like to watch on the cable tv I already pay for! Anyway, now, when she holds up the box containing all the Spongebob Christmas episodes I can smile, say "sure!", and mean it. Oh, and the dvd selection is not just limited to children. There are some really good grown-up dvds too. I tend to gravitate towards renting their fitness dvds and old television episodes (stuff like sex and the city, sopranos, etc).

Anyway, I know I am starting to sound like an advertisement and a PSA all in one, but I really do love the library. I just feel like we get so much entertainment for free. So, anyway, check it out!